

On this page you can get detailed information on my underwater search procedures including travel, setup, and resource requirements for a successful search.

Underwater Search


  • Mother Nature - Controls all underwater search times and locations.
  • Search Area - Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior. (Including inland lakes with good vis.)
  • Working Together — saves time and money.

Underwater Video Searching

I use Black and White low light tri-head cameras with natural sun light.

Search times in June: 6 AM - 8 PM


 Search Depths, Light Needed, Wind and Waves

 0 - 50 feet, Overcast/Best Video, 0 - 10 mph, 0 - 2 feet

 50 - 100 feet, Overcast / Sun, 0 - 10 mph, 0 - 2 feet

 100 - 200 feet, Sun, 0 - 10 mph, 0 - 2 feet

 200 feet + Sun, 0 -   5 mph, 0 - 1 foot

NOTE:---- Deeper video searching is done at lower boat speeds. Winds keep boat from holding a GPS course. Waves and higher boat speeds place extra stress into video cables, down rigger motors, and stainless steel tow cables.


Normal Set Up Time (after travel) 2 Hours

Normal Repack (ready for the road) 2 Hours


Set up locations:

      Nice weather—--- Almost any place

      High winds / Hot---Shade / trees

      Rain (need cover)—Garage / car port / barn

Information needed from others.

Location of search area. Maps, Records, GPS numbers.


Help provided by others

Someone to pilot my 18 foot boat while we are video searching.


Additional Information

For years my underwater searching has been a non profit hobby. Now that I am retired it is still non profit. I spend most of my time working with members of underwater preserves, and historical Societies. Sometimes I am able to help a down hearted fisherman. Most of my searching is over 200 miles from home. Some locations are over 500 miles one way. While traveling I spend most nights sleeping on the boat. That being said I will accept help from others to help control my costs.

Some of my fixed costs include: Truck and boat fuel, meals, and lodging. Boat slips in marina with showers and rest rooms. Boat ramps, parking, bridge tolls, park entrance fees, and ferry boats to remote locations.


Ways others may be able to help me control my costs. Some lodging while on the road. Motel, B&B, spare bedroom, private dock, or even a safe place to park the boat overnight.Food, home cooked meals or a work place with electricity to make equipment repairs. Someone may have a computer to download information from my GPS and print maps. Making sure I have the latest information on good roads, boat ramps, shortest distance to search area, and all underwater hazards.



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